For over 15 years we have been designing and building our Toxy frames with modern CAD/CNC technology for comforatble, compact, light, and versatile bikes. So we can offer a trouble free innovative bicycle that is unique to ride and keeps up with our reputation of building a dependable bicycle that can be used whether you are taking a ride to the office or to North Cape. You will enjoy this quality every mile you ride your Toxy!
Toxy Comfort Concept
The entire concept and design of a Toxy recumbent is based around comfort. If you ride, or have ridden a recumbent, than you already know the advantages ... [mehr]
When you consider the advantages a recumbent has over a normal bicycle for your health it is easy to see why many heath professionals from Neurologists to Urologists recommend them. ... [mehr]
When you know exactly what you want for comfort and quality in a recumbent and will not settle for a bicycle designed by a company that builds a ... [mehr]
Toxy auf dem Jacobsweg
On tour
Toxy recumbents have been used in everyday use, on tours, and for expeditions all over the world for more than ten years. Why you ask? There are many good reasons. ... [mehr]
Precision down to the smallest detail.
With our ten year guarantee on our Toxy aluminium frames we have set a new standard in the recumbent world.
Even in the smallest detail we feel the ... [mehr]
Toxy Equipment
We use well known components from companies like Busch & Mueller, Magura; Rohloff; Schwalbe; Schmidt, to complete the high quality concept of our Toxy recumbents.
You decide through your own ... [mehr]